There are a number of acceptable methodologies in the
psyychometric literature for standard
setting studies, also known as cutscores or passing points.
Examples include Angoff, modified-Angoff, Bookmark, Contrasting Groups,
and Borderline. The modified-Angoff
approach is by far the most commonly used, yet it remains a
black box to many professionals in the testing industry, especially
non-psychometricians in the credentialing field. This post hopefully
provides some elucidation and demystification. There is some flexibility
in the study implementation, but this article describes a sound method.
What to Expect with
the Modified-Angoff Approach
First of all, do not expect a straightforward, easy process
that leads to an unassailably correct cutscore. All standard setting
methods involve some degree of subjectivity. The goal of the methods is
to reduce that objectivity as much as possible. Some methods focus on
content, others on data, while some try to meld the two.