Team Based Learning
Team-Based Learning brings together theoretically-based and
empirically-grounded strategies for ensuring the effectiveness of autonomous
small-groups working independently in classes with high student-faculty ratios
(e.g., up to 200:1) without losing benefits of faculty-led small groups with
lower ratios (e.g., 7:1).
We also view Team-Based Learning as the codification of key
instructional principles, each of which has value, even when applied outside
the context of the Team-Based Learning method in its entirety.
Background Information
Three Keys to Using
Learning Groups Effectively (Essays on Teaching Excellence, 1998,9).
Michaelsen suggests three fundamental principles instructors can use to
motivate students in small learning groups.
Team-Based Learning:
Putting "sTeam" into Learning Groups. This essay offers a
critical analysis of the benefits and challenges of three different ways of
using small groups: "casual use", cooperative learning, and
team-based learning.
Rationale For Using Team-Based Learning In
Medical Education
In general, the highest quality clinical care is delivered not by
individuals, but by teams (eg, physicians, nurses, social workers, etc) where
there is good communication and the team process is managed effectively.
Unfortunately, reward systems in medical education tend to focus on individual
student performance rather than team skills (e.g., course grading, licensure
exams). Consequently, this system of rewards promotes behaviors counter to high
quality clinical care in teams by fostering competition and ego-centrism.
While PBL has been introduced into medical education to foster,
among other things, good team communication and problem-solving, it tends to
require a low student to faculty ratio. We believe that Team-Based Learning can
promote similar group behavior to PBL, but with high student to faculty ratios
(an important characteristic in an environment where faculty time for teaching
has been eroded). Furthermore, incentives which can be built into Team-Based
Learning will help shift curriculum rewards toward effective team work, even in
teams without the close oversight of a faculty tutor.
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